Anime film per Hunter x Hunter e manga in pausa

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  1. Mixx
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    Sinceramente a me non me ne frega niente del film,voglio solo che continui l'anime :D
    Il manga a mio parere non è per niente dettagliato e preferisco di gran lungo l'anime.
  2. Bambinarubata
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    beh alla fine neanche io sono una fan dei film in generale.. quindi lo guarderò per curiosità ma non amo, solitamente, le storie che non c'entrano nulla né con il manga né con la serie tv. (anche se qui c'è lo zampino dell'autore e magari mi piacerà).

    La cosa positiva di avere il fashback sul passato di Kurapika, in versione cartacea, è che si arricchisce la storia di un qualcosa che volevo conoscere e magari in animazione la vedremo... personalmente la collocherei, nella serie tv, o quando Kurapika ha la febbre dopo aver imposto il suo nen su Kuroro.. (mentre dorme il ricordo dello sterminio sarebbe appropriato) o direttamente dopo l'arcoo formichimere
    mentre prega per i morti davanti l'altare

    la seconda ipotesi, messa in spoiler, penso che sia più probabile anche per motivi tecnici .
  3.     +1   -1

    Foresta oscura



    Durante la proiezione d'apertura del film Hunter X Hunter: Phantom Rouge, una breve sequenza che raffigurava Netero (il dodicesimo presidente dell'associazione degli Hunter) posto di fronte a una alta torre simile all'Arena Celeste, ha catturato l'attenzione degli spettatori: la breve sequenza annunciava poi l'avvio della produzione di un nuovo film ispirato al manga di Yoshihiro Togashi.

    Un annuncio comunque fugace visto che le proiezioni successive a quella d'apertura (il film è uscito il 12 Gennaio) non contenevano il breve Teaser.

    Phantom Rouge si concentra sul personaggio di Kurapika diventato hunter per cercare vendetta sulla Brigata Fantasma, colpevole del massacro del suo clan. Nel film compare anche un nuovo personaggio, Omokage, legato alla Brigata Fantasma che porta il tatuaggio del ragno con il numero 4.

    Fonte:Anime News Network
  4.     +1   +1   -1

    Triple Hunter

    PM Fans

    beccatevi un po' di spoilers sul movie di HXH :argh3:

    Hunter x Hunter Phantom Rouge Movie Review ****SPOILERS***

    So I went to the first showing of the Hunter x Hunter film on Saturday! I’ve had a busy weekend so this is my first chance to get a review. I wanted to do a vlog but I’m super tired so this will have to suffice ^^

    I’m assuming if you’re reading this, you know the set up of the Phantom Rouge from watching the trailers. The Spiders are featured (including Uvogin, despite the fact he is dead in the current anime). Also the movie focuses on Kurapika’s back story, which was a two shot manga recently released by Yoshihiro Togashi. I recommend reading that first, or it’s going to get very confusing!

    Please note I watched the film in a language I’m not fluent in, so there may be minor mistakes!

    The movie opens with Killua at the top of a building. It’s misleading, making you thinking he’s tracking the spiders like in the anime. He’s watching some Mafia boss down below when his creepy brother Illumi appears. He does the old lecturing thing, and Killua jumps down and kills the Mafia guy and his cronies, which comes as a surprise. He walks away, and comes across some kids playing ball. They ask him to kick it back, and it’s clear this symbolism is showing that Killua has no friends- he is still an assassin, which means this is before meeting Gon. Illumi appears again, reminding Killua he can’t have friends, and kills the boys.

    Killua wakes up with a start. I assumed this was a flashback, not a dream, but it was interesting way to start the movie that’s meant to be focused on Kurapika. Gon is sleeping opposite Killua and it’s made clear they’re riding a blimp. They get into an argument, upsetting the passengers and getting told off.

    Leorio meets the boys off the blimp, and they’re in a Mediterranean looking town- reminds me of old Italy or Spain. He fills the boys in on what’s happened to Kurapika, flashing back.

    A boy wearing clothing similar to Kurapika but in red is playing music (I can’t remember what on). He’s sitting on a fountain type thing and Kurapika is shocked to see him. He approaches, and the boy (Pairo, his old friend from his hometown) recognizes his voice. (He’s blind, but this has always been the case)

    Kurapika is overcome and shocked, and goes closer. Pairo reaches out, wanting to touch and check it is really him. He draws close to Kurapika’s face, and next thing, a power goes through and connects their eyes. You see parts of this in the trailer. Leorio tries to come to the rescue. Kurapika falls back, Pairo fighting him, and he is crying.

    End flashback and we’re in a hospital. Kurapika has the bandages on and recognizes Gon’s voice. His eyes have been stolen (which makes you wonder how he can be alive, but go with it) and he fills them in on his backstory. It’s the story in the two shot manga so I’m not going to explain it all. It was really well done, and the angry Kurapika scenes were great ^^

    As he is talking to everyone in the present, Kurapika can see something- someone is feeding him an image. We see Pairo being sat on a throne type chair in front of a window by some unknown man. Obviously there is some nen type stuff afoot, as if some had stolen your eyes you would have no connection with their sight. Pairo now has Kurapika’s eyes.

    Kurapika describes the landscape and Leorio draws it down. After a visit to a computer to the Hunter website, the team split up to track down the similar landscape in order to find the culprit.

    It was a shame that even though we heard Melody (Senritsu)’s music, she never appeared in the film. You’d think she’d have been by Kurapika’s side, but maybe it would have complicated the plot.

    Killua finds a similar spot, but it’s not the right place. Gon does the usual, wandering and talking to strangers. He watches a street performer who uses Ren to control a puppet. He saves her from being trampled by a horse and they get talking. Killua arrives and is immediately jealous Gon is with someone else. (He thinks the girl, Retsu, is a boy). It’s not until they fight and Killua pushes Retsu on the chest, making her fall back, that he realizes she’s a girl. It’s really cute ^^

    They go for food and Killua is still not in a great mood. Retsu explains about her puppet and it’s clear it means a lot to her. She’s cute, with blonde hair and blue eyes. At first I thought she was going to be a relative of Kurapika’s, but it was not to be!

    Meanwhile Hisoka pays Kurapika a visit in hospital. He’s his usual, tongue licking self, though they overdid it a little! Still glad he appeared. He warns Kurapika about the real Spider number 4, who can control people like puppets. Suddenly Retsu doesn’t seem innocent anymore.

    Gon and Killua wake up to Uvogin trashing the street below. I was confused at this point why they made him alive again, but it makes sense once you see the end of the film. It’s cute when Retsu wakes up, long blonde hair and wearing only a t-shirt. You can almost see the boys nose bleed ^^.

    Basically the Real Spider number 4 (I forgot his name sorry, so I’ll refer to him by number) steals eyes for his puppets. No sure if it increases there power or if it’s just to make them more human like. Gon and Killua are struggling against his strength. Killua is terrified (Illumi is in his head, reminding him not to take risks etc) Luckily Nobunaga arrives and takes care of him (again, confusing at the time). Machi is with him, and they leave pretty quickly. Retsu looks through the rubble and finds her doll.

    We get another cute scene where the gang go shopping and Retsu gets decked out in a wine red lolita style outfit. She says something that makes Killua have a private word with Gon. It’s all very suspicious. Retsu takes them to an old mansion that has a landscape that matches what they’re searching for. They convince her to wait outside.

    Inside there are puppets and dolls in cabinets (oh come on). Upstairs they encounter a puppet Illumi. Killua is terrified and freezes. Gon tries to fight while Illumi is talking to Killua about the whole friends thing. Gon is pinned to the wall with a pin, and Killua runs away, unable to listen anymore.

    Angry, Gon goes for Illumi, who just throws him through the window. Killua tries to approach, but Illumi is blocking his way again. He tries to steal Killua’s eyes, but Gon gets there first. Retsu comes over to see what’s happening. Ashamed at what he let happen, Killua runs away.

    Retsu is with no. 4, and it is revealed they are siblings. The next bit is a quick flashback and I couldn’t quite pick it all up, but it seems like one of the siblings is a “Puppet God”. The flashback shows Retsu with her eyes on the floor, and no.6 takes her eyes from her in current time, so she must be a puppet in real life.

    Dark and depressed, he walking along a railway track at night in the rain. He realizes he still has Gon’s Hunter License he gave for safe keeping and flashes back to all the fun he had with Gon during the Hunter exam. Crying, he stops as a train approaches, seemingly unable to care and wanting to end it…when Gon arrives, pushing him out the way. Apparently he followed him by smell, which is something I forgot Gon could do, nicely added by the animators.

    Leorio and Kurapika arrive under an umbrella (with his eyes bandaged, and Gon now is the same). They decide to work as a team and take down no. 4.

    They return to the old mansion, and puppet Illumi and Pairo (who we also realize is a puppet, which makes sense because Kurapika is the only survivor of his clan) are waiting along with No.4. Retsu sits behind No.6 on the throne. Kurapika is obviously angry and after some shouting, Pairo begins to fight him, while Illumi takes Gon and Killua.

    Puppet Pairo digs deep, talking about Kurapika’s family. He nearly kills him when Leorio jumps in to deflect the blow, but soon he is chucked out the fight. Meanwhile Killua struggles to fight his brother, but with a bit of team work he and Gon defeat the puppet. In a heartbreaking end, Kurapika destroys puppet Pairo, who last words are “Did you have fun, Kurapika?” (a reference to the flashback/manga, where Pairo tells Kurapika to have fun in the world then come back and tell him about it). Kurapika cradles Pairo as he replies he did have fun, and gets his eyes back.

    No.4 isn’t finished yet, and he summons puppets of the Phantom Troupe to fight. The gang are struggling to get a hit, when Hisoka arrives to have some fun. He especially enjoys fighting Chrollo, which is hilarious!

    Finally Kurapika uses his chained to stop no.4 . He’s about to use the judgement chain on him when Killua interrupts, wanting to be the one to kill him. Then Retsu kills her brother from behind, embracing him as he dies. She obviously realized what he was doing was wrong and knew she had to stop him. She sets a fire and cutely, Killua has to be held back by Gon from saving her. It’s sweet considering how much he hated her at the start.

    The real spiders arrive, and I can’t remember at what point they turn up. Obviously Kurapika is angry but he’s still weak from his fight and using his nen, and is powerless to stop them. They leave the mansion, Kurapika clearly still agitated.

    The gang discuss their future plans, talking about what to do next. They all have something apart from Killua, but then Gon tell him as his friend, he has to come with him (or words to that affect) which makes Killua happy.

    The final scene is the gang saying farewell at the airport, off to do their own things. As the air ship carries them on their own paths, we see flashes of characters coming up in the anime- Gon’s father Ging, Biscuit, and even Kite from the Ant arc.

    After the credits, there was a dark scene with Netero (Old guy, kind head boss of the Hunters) looking grim, so I wonder if the next movie will be the election, or the Ant arc?

    All in all I really enjoyed the movie. The graphics were mainly great, with only a few shots lacking. The humor was good, there was lots of cute moments, and the new characters were well developed. Nice plot twists. I would defo recommend if you can see it in the cinema. If not, you’ll need to wait to see it online. I look forward to the subs ^^
  5.     +1   -1

    Hunter Esperto

    Special Member

    Alla faccia del riassunto! Ahahaha!! Grande Tsubaki che lo hai trovato, ma andrebbe messo nel topic giusto ;) Sposto

    EDIT: Spostato
  6. jupiter-8
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    togashiiiiiiii!!!!! non ci posso credere che sei ancora in pausa! mi ero illuso che sarebbe ripartito a marzo.... che odio questo silenzio!!! se fossi in giappone andrei a bussargli la porta di casa!!!!
  7. xDenisex
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    CITAZIONE (jupiter-8 @ 22/3/2013, 09:51) 
    se fossi in giappone andrei a bussargli la porta di casa!!!!

    Io invece se conoscessi il suo indirizzo gli manderei una lettera minatoria :ph34r:
    Chissà, magari una bella letterina in una lingua sconosciuta (italiano) lo invoglierebbe a lavorare!
  8. jupiter-8
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    CITAZIONE (xDenisex @ 23/3/2013, 11:03) 
    CITAZIONE (jupiter-8 @ 22/3/2013, 09:51) 
    se fossi in giappone andrei a bussargli la porta di casa!!!!

    Io invece se conoscessi il suo indirizzo gli manderei una lettera minatoria :ph34r:
    Chissà, magari una bella letterina in una lingua sconosciuta (italiano) lo invoglierebbe a lavorare!

    Mi sta venendo un certo istinto omicida verso questo genio ozioso!!!
  9.     +1   -1

    Hunter Esperto

    PM Fans

    ma quando esce almeno sub eng?
  10.     +3   +1   -1

    Triple Hunter

    PM Fans


    HUNTER x HUNTER - The Movie: Phantom Rouge

    (streaming sub eng)


    HUNTER x HUNTER - The Movie: Phantom Rouge ---> LINK 1

    HUNTER x HUNTER - The Movie: Phantom Rouge ---> LINK 2
  11. alaa
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    wow appena trovo il tempo lo guardo. ma sul discorso delle pause ma davvero nessun giapponese ha mai telefonato a togashi dicendogli che se non continuava il manga avrebbe ucciso la sua famiglia? secondo me questo lo aiuterebbe a lavorare e magari anche un suo collega miura :shifty:
  12.     +1   -1

    Hunter Esperto

    PM Fans

    non male il film, ma mi aspettavo qualcosa in piu, in confronto è stato molto piu epico OP Z

    comunque interessante l'abilità di Omokage
  13. alaa
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    bè tieni conto che questo è il primo film di HxH mentre Z è il 13 di one piece quindi in futuro migliorerà
  14.     +1   +1   -1

    Addestramento Nen

    PM Fans
    Ovetto kinder ore 12.

    "Hunter x Hunter - The Last Mission" film, nuovi dettagli

    Sono stati rivelati i nuovi dettagli per il secondo film animato “Hunter x Hunter -The Last Mission", ecco quidi le ultimissime novità in cantiere.

    Ispirato allo shonen di Yoshihiro Togashi (già autore della famosa serie a fumetti “Yu degli spettri“) “Hunter x Hunter” torna nelle sale cinematografiche con un secondo film che si preannuncia davvero sorprendente: stiamo parlando di “Hunter x Hunter – The Last Mission”, film animato che svelerà il lato oscuro della “Hunters Association”, e molto altro ancora!

    In passato infatti, all’interno dell’organizzazione, fu deciso di dividere gli Hunters più forti in “light” e “dark”. Questi non si sarebbero mai dovuti incontrare, ma un giorno i dark Hunters decidono di attaccare gli altri Hunters. Come reagirà Gon di fronte al volto oscuro dell’organizzazione e di fronte a questi diversi Hunters?

    Come riportato sulle pagine della rivista “Shonen Jump magazine” edita dalla Shueisha, l’uscita di questo nuovo film animato è prevista per il 27 Dicembre in Giappone, e il nuovo adattamento rappresenterà un sequel del precedente “HunterXHunter: Phantom Rouge”, lanciato all’inizio di quest’anno, nel mese di Gennaio.

    Alla direzione di questo nuovo progetto animato troveremo Keiichiro Kawaguchi (Sket Dance, Hayate the Combat Butler) con le sceneggiature di Nobuaki Kishima. L’anime sarà naturalmente realizzato dallo studio Madhouse.

    Detto questo, per il momento è tutto, ed a noi non rimane quindi che attendere altri dettagli e aggiornamenti in merito al nuovo adattamento a film animato dell’opera di Yoshihiro Togashi. Torneremo come sempre con le ultime novità.

    Ho trovato questo ...... credo che sia anche confermata come voce, quindi credo nuovo film in arrivo........ del manga pero nulla....
  15.     +1   -1

    Triple Hunter

    PM Fans

    confermo... tutto confermatissimo ;)

    HUNTER x HUNTER - The Movie: Last Mission (trailer) ---> LINK 1

    The trailer asks viewers if they are prepared to know the history of the Hunter Association that was engraved in flames, and demands that those who have committed sins to pay for them with their lives.
44 replies since 14/3/2012, 16:21   7449 views